
Participate in our upcoming project

  • Universal Intentions: The teen-to-twenty’s project will capture the voices and stories of young people as they reflect back and look ahead with honesty about their lived experiences.  With the intention to learn, listen, and build stronger connections between teen-to-twenty year olds and those who love them, this project captures the essence and dreams of young people during the most formative years of their lives. Contact Deb Lande if you want to learn more

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Media and Webinars

Designed Alliance Webinar

Join us in an enlightening conversation about how to create Designed Alliances with those in your life. If there is one main thing you will take away from this webinar it is your brain needs predictability. Structure creates predictability which creates stability and safety. In these unpredictable times, create structure and help your brain feel more at ease while strengthening your closest relationships.

BlogTalk Radio Podcast


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