The 5 Intentions


The 5 Intentions card deck

The 5 Intentions Project

Offering ways to notice personal energy, pause to reflect in that very moment, and open a channel toward love. In struggles and joys, we learn and grow. This five-step process is based on the foundational elements in the Universal Intentions book.

The 5 Intentions help you take clear and deliberate steps toward achieving your desired reality.

The 5 Intentions Cards: Inspirational card deck for yourself and every gift-giving occasion available for purchase by emailing

The card deck includes 50 thought-provoking quotes, intentions, and messages to inspire personal reflection and action. Pick a few favorites and use those daily. Or, use the 5-step Explore it, Create it, Work it, Own it, and Release it process to unlock energies to inspire and shift your state of mind. They make great gifts and initiate powerful conversations with others so you can learn and grow together. Experience a more intentional life today.

Universal Intentions Frameable Art: Inspirational one-page intentions followed by Reflection Questions and Action Items. Download this intention titled “Start Fresh” for FREE. Want an intention written for you or a loved one, contact

The 5 Intentions  Retreats & Workshops: These workshops will engage families, faith communities,  friend groups, and like-minded people to be more intentional together. Learn more.

Brilliant Youth Rising Project: Learn more.

For books, cards, video project, and retreats, workshop questions contact Deb Sakry Lande using the contact form on this website.